Internet Domain Names and Trademarks


Although the registration of domain names is not part of the core business of GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A., disputes and consultation regarding this new distinctive mark are becoming ever more important in the overall vision of communication of modern businesses. In this sense, one can specifically consider a "defensive" and "preventive" registration as being the first and simplest instrument for protection against illegal hoarding carried out by third parties in bad faith.

GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A. is specialized in the management of all disputes involving domain names:
* Recovery of domain names illicitly registered by third parties, through anonymous negotiations for purchase;
* Enactment and management of "reassignment procedures," both at a national (at the accredited Providers of Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution Services (Prestatori del Servizio di risoluzione extragiudiziale delle dispute, P.R.S.D.) - and international level (WIPO, EURID, Nominet, NAF, etc.);
* Legal proceedings at the national and international level involving infringement of trademark rights.

Furthermore, GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A. is able to provide assistance for the management of all problems deriving from the introduction of new first-level generic domain names:
* Accreditation of company trademarks through the ICANN Trademark Clearing House (;
* Registration of domains during the sunrise period phase;
* Registration of domains during the early registration phase.

GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A. is specialized in dealing with disputes deriving from the use of trademarks on Social Networks, in particular on Facebook ("vanity url") and YouTube, and on auction sites such as eBay (removal of advertisements relating to counterfeit products).

GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A. assists its own clients with contract documentation regarding Internet websites and therefore the development of the same and the use regulations linked to the functionality of websites.

Giambrocono & C. S.p.A.

We have been handling matters involving Trademarks, Patents, Designs, Copyrights, reassignment of Domain Names, client-appointed expert witness opinions, economic evaluations of Trademarks and Patents, Due Diligence for over hundred years. We work with over 60 collaborators in four offices and consider ourselves one of the leading Italian consulting offices in the field of Industrial Property.

Thanks to a well-tested network of correspondents we are able to work in any country worldwide.


Address: via Rosolino Pilo 19/B - 20129 Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 29404751
Fax: (+39) 02 29404531
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Address: via Zambianchi, 3 - 24121 Bergamo (BG)
Phone: (+39) 035238117
Fax: (+39) 035243475
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Reggio Emilia
Address: Galleria Cavour, 2 - 42121 Reggio Emilia (RE)
Phone: (+39) 0522440162
Fax: (+39) 0522440227
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: via Giuseppe Biagiotti, 35 - 62100 Macerata (MC)
Phone: (+39) 0733239317
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Registered Office: Via Rosolino Pilo, 19/b - 20129 Milano
VAT No. 01698140157
Share capital 1.000.000 euro i.v.
Fiscal Code and CCIAA Reg. No. MI 01698140157 REA MI 872506

Insurance Policy #109H5277 Zurich Insurance €5.000.000



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