The owners of trademarks which are famous, or only known, may grant the right to use their own distinctive marks to third parties against compensation that is generally paid in the form of royalties.
GIAMBROCONO & C. S.p.A. is specialized in assisting with Licensing contracts, in recording deeds modifying the ownership of a trademark or of a patent, such as, for example, transfers, Judgments, inheritance deeds, etc.
In the event of intellectual property seizure (of trademarks and patents) or in the event of establishment of rights as collateral against bank loans, we can assist you with the operations of registration and establishment of rights.
In the event of purchase and sale of trademarks and patents we can assist you with the drafting of the transfer deeds, their recordation in the trademark and patent public registers of every Nation. Moreover, we can determine the exchange value or the royalty that is applicable to the license.
In the event of technology transfer we can assist you in drafting the deeds, and in determining the value of the patent.
However, on the basis of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Order, the Industrial Property Consultants may not operate as intermediaries in the procurement of clients.
There are patent searches by topic which can identify the owners of patents which can be qualified as possible consignees of the transfer of technology or as potential clients for the marketing of patented products.